Ready to take the leap?
Talk to a person
You can also book your skydive, get information, and much more by calling our scheduler 8am - 10pm, seven days a week! If we do not pick up, please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible. To book or if you have any questions, call or text us at (608) 244 - 5252.
Reservation Policy
In order to reserve your date & time for your jump, and to allow us to allocate staff and equipment, we require a $50 nonrefundable deposit. You can change your reservation time 48 hours or more before your appointment for no charge. Deposits are fully transferable at any time.
Please understand that a given date & time for your reservation is not guaranteed - many factors can delay or cause your skydive to need to be rescheduled including weather, plane issues, equipment availability and staffing. Please also note that while we will try our hardest to get you up into the air, safety takes precedence.
Don't worry too much about the forecast 24+ hours from your jump appointment. Weather in Wisconsin changes quickly and forecasts are often incorrect.
If you wake up the day of your jump and think the weather may not be right, give us a call before you drive out. Weather differs greatly even within a distance of 30 miles, so although it may be bad weather where you are, we may have perfect weather. Do not expect to jump if it's raining, snowing, extremely windy or if there are very low clouds. We can discuss delaying your jump for later that day, or rescheduling for a different date.
If we reschedule, you will not lose your deposit. It will be transferred to the next available date of your choice.
We do allow walk-ins for tandem skydives, but we may not get to you on a busy day!
Please understand that failure of video equipment is a possibility. Videos are not guaranteed. In the event that we fail to capture any video of your skydive, a full refund of the video package will be issued. The skydive is not refundable.
Thank you, and we hope to see you soon! Blue skies!